Thursday, October 28, 2010

Prints and Pencils

My first Pronto Plate piece, "Kevin." Through much hard work and 4 hours straight of labor, I probably made 20 of these. Hardest process of my life, but I will definitely be making more of these.

The first Linoleum print I did. Well, this is actually the 14th copy I did. This first is much horribly done, but considering it was my first time printing EVER, it doesn't look bad.

My new piece that will be presented at Roktober. Still practicing with color pencils. Thanks to my lovely Fine Arts roommate, I have access to them.

High School flash back

This was a high school piece from my independent studies course, the 4th art class I took at Skyline. I miss the endless supply of canvas and paints we had there. So unlike the real world.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

3rd Floor Chicago: Roktober

Come see my work at a little Acoustic/Gallery show off of Sheridan! I'll have a few things you've seen and then some. Hopefully a couple projects will come together before then, but I have enough old pieces to present. It'll be wonderful! My good friends are performing and alot of sweet people will be there.

October 29th should be marked on your calendars.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Valuable lessons from figure drawing

Illustrated for a friend. Thanks goes out to my new roommate who happens to have sick color pencils. Not going to lie, you'll see much more of this work because it was just too much fun. A fun 'lil gallery show is coming up and I'll have more of these to show.

Sam Smith Films

Sam Smith is a friend of mine that is great at what she does. Her films are wonderful and to help her out in the process was so great. We have done storyboards before together, but the top two images are for her latest film as are the costume illustrations below. The last characters were actually from a previous film we did. I changed up the style a bit to give them much more personality. More to come I'm sure!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Finally, I'm a photographer.

First two rolls of film developed. Let's see how they turn out. Get excited! You will get to see them as soon as I get them scanned in. Even if they look horrible, I'm just glad they aren't all black or all white. Also, everyone who went to Whistler with me finally gets to see the pictures, 6 months later.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Who you gunna call?

Stretched my own 11" by 14" canvas. Created for a 2-point perspective assignment, which as an art student you feel like you do every year. I decided to paint something interesting. This is what I came up with.